Ava DuVernay and Autumn Riley

Ava DuVernay born August 24 72, from Long Beach California. Her aunt Denise encouraged her passion for artistic expression and creative thinking. Her aunt was an overnight nurse so that she could have the opportunity to study art and literature, or even theater. DuVernay was a fan of the movie West Side Story, which she showed her. DuVernay was taught by her that art could be an instrument for social activism. DuVernay was also taught by her mother who had a social conscience and pushed DuVernay to express herself through art. DuVernay was raised in Compton with her parents but spent the summers with Lowndes County Alabama. This is the place where her father's family was for many generations. Her father recalled the Civil Rights marches that occurred across the Edmund Pettus Bridge and the close-by town Selma in Alabama. DuVernay was strongly influenced by her time in Selma, and later directed a documentary about King's father, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. DuVernay graduated from Saint Joseph High School at Lakewood, California in 1990. After graduation, she studied in the University of California Los Angeles where she earned degrees in English and African American study. DuVernay began producing television news when she was just an elementary school student. DuVernay was an intern at CBS News at the time of O.J. Simpson Trial. DuVernay recalled being asked to check the trash in the house of one of jury. In the course of her duties she was dissatisfied with journalism, and shifted into the public relations industry. DuVernay was immediately hired from college to be a junior publicist at an unassuming studio. Her own Public Relations company, The DuVernay Agency was founded in 1999. Neben PR, her agency has created lifestyle networks and promotional campaigns, such as Urban Beauty Collective. Urban Beauty Collective. Autumn Riley.............................Autumn Riley was born in Los Angeles United States. Autumn Riley is born with the birth symbol of. Autumn Riley is a famous American actress, best known by her roles in American Experience (1997) and A More Perfect Union (2009). Autumn was Rose from A More Perfect Union as also Anna Payne from American Experience.

 Ava DuVernay  Ava e l DuVernay  Autumn Riley  Autumn x b Riley


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